NGC 4565
Messier globular clusrters
One of the best-known objects in the constellation Orion is the Horsehead Nebula,
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200/1000, Newton,carbon astrograph
Atik ONE 6
SkyWatcher EQ6 GoTo
Lacerta Mgen
RGB 25-25 minute, Lum full 500 minute
2018.January, March, Vecsés, Ágasvár
Maxim DL, Registar, Photoshop CS6
Looking up at the end of the winter in the spring sky, darkness is still apparent in the region bounded between Ursa Major, Arcturus and Virgo, a blurred, faint veil-like area. This is actually the constellation Coma Berenices. At first glance, you would see countless pale stars, but looking at a medium-sized binoculars, it turns out that the star-looking objects are smaller, larger galaxies in fact. Among them, the NGC 4565, also known as the Galaxy, hides or rises with its brightness and size. Because of its appearance on Earth, it is because of its fullness, a star city of a similar structure to the Squirrel. It's a pretty bright object, though most of the light is covered by sharp edges on the edges. But maybe this will make it easier to remove the central dud and do not squeeze the brightness of the core.
The NGC4565 was first covered by William Herschel and placed in the group of spiral galaxies. The Spitzer space telescope infrared and radio observations confirm this classification. The galaxy itself is approx. It's 40 million light-years away from us and 100,000 light-years in diameter, like the Milky Way. Astronomers think it is approx. There are 240 balloons found in the halo, which is somewhat more than our own galaxy. The Need Galaxy resembles the Squad in its structure, but its mass is much larger, so it is true that professionals are surrounded by a large mass of dark matter.