Tulip Nebula


Bach Zoltán

Click on the image for a larger version.

In the sky

Coordinates: RA: 20h 0m, D: +35° 19'

Technical data


200/1000, Newton, Carbon astrograph,ASA 0.73 Reducer, EffectiveFocus 730mm F / 3.6


Atik One6


SkyWatcher EQ6 GoTo


Lacerta Mgen OAG


Ha,OIII- LRGB all: 26 hour

Location, date:

2018.07 and 08. mon, Ágasvár


Maxim DL, Registar, Photoshop CS6


The Tulip Nebula Stewart Sharpless was added to his catalog in 1959 with Sh2-101. 70 light diameter and approx. It is 8,000 light years away from us in one of the foggy and star-rich regions of the Milky Way. The strong ultraviolet radiation from the nearby HDE 227 018 hot-star star ionizes the atoms that make up the nearby Tulip haze, which makes it radiate. 

 Cygnus X-1 

 In addition to the visual experience of the picture, it is the bluish arc on the right side of the photo. This arc of ionized gas is a shock wave, which we know is a black hole (Cygnus X-1) from which we can see a material congestion of a relativist jet that breaks out due to material transfer in visual form. While black holes cannot be seen, the effects on their surroundings are still indirectly revealed.