Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster
Planetary nebula M97 and M108 Galaxy death row
NGC7822 complex formed by a constellation of young stars in the constellation Cepheus.
Click on the image for a larger version.
200/1000-es Newton,carbon astrograph
Canon 600D modified and cooled & Canon 600D monochrome cooled
SkyWatcher EQ6 GoTo
Lacerta Mgen OAG
All: 44 hour, RGB 15 hour, Lum 5 hour, HA-SII-OII 8-8 hour
Vecsés, Ágasvár, 2016 November-2017 Január
Iris, Nebulosity, Photoshop CS6
NGC 2264: Cone Nebula at bottom with inverted Christmas Tree cluster above the cone; the bright star just above the cone is the tree topper and the very bright star at the top of the image (S Monocerotis) is the center of the tree trunk. The Fox Fur Nebula is at the top right corner. The Snowflake nebula is in the middle which shows up.
Cone Nebula seven light-years high